I am so weary of listening to born-again, spirit-filled Christians murmur and grumble and complain about what they can't do. Nobody is interested in developing your potential but you and if you don't do it, it's never going to get done. Some people say: I don't know what I'm called to do. Well, find out. How am I supposed to find out? Step out and try a few things. What if I miss God? This is just the way people are: What if I miss God? If you miss God, he'll find you. It won't be the end of the world if you make a mistake. Joyce Meyer asks this question: You know what you just say? I made a mistake. You know, Peter... Peter had some real problems. Peter always had that mouth going, he was always getting in trouble. You have to have some problems to rebuke Jesus. Peter rebuked Jesus.
Joyce Meyer Ministries reads Matthew 16: Peter rebuked Jesus. He really thought that he was the hot rod of the whole disciple staff. Sometimes I look at Peter. He ends up denying Jesus, cursing, saying, "I never knew the man," yet he went on to become a great apostle. The way Jesus dealt with him in that whole thing, you wouldn't have thought it bothered Jesus at all. Can I tell you something? You're no surprise to God. He already knows everything you're going to do before he ever calls you into relationship with himself. You can stop apologizing for your poor pitiful self 25 times a day because God already knows what he's getting when he gets us.